
blog-tember day 29 // ten blog topics

Looking for some inspiration?

Here’s a great list from The King Crew if you need some blogging inspiration!


Tuesday, Sept. 29: Write your own list of 10 blog topics to inspire us next month.

The past 29 days have been so inspiring. Having a prompt given to you frees you up to think up some yourself.

Here are ten blogging (or journaling) prompts to get you rolling in October:

  1. My Favorite Place  – Write about one of your favorite places! It can be anywhere: somewhere you live, visit, where you work or read or escape to. If possible, use this as an excuse to go there 😉
  2. Share A Recipe – This could be your own, a family recipe, or one you just found on the internet that you love. Make it and share pictures or just share the link and why you love it.
  3. Ten Things I’ve Learned This Year – Write a list of ten things you’ve learned over the last year, big or small. This is…

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